Return Policy and Shipping - Switched on kids

Return Policy

Return Policy

You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery. The buyer is required to pay for the return shipment. We will offer you a replacement product, the same product, store credit or a full refund. Please allow up to 4 weeks to process the return, however, in most cases you will receive a refund earlier. The time period includes the product return transit time from the postal service (5 to 10 business days), the processing time after receiving of the product (3 to 5 business days), and the time it takes the bank to process the refund request (5 to 10 business days). If you need to return an item, please send the order number, item code and a reason for return to We’ll notify you via e-mail once your return has been received and processed.

In case a parcel is returned due to incorrect address supplied by the customer, then the return parcel fees will apply and will be charged to the customer. The return parcel fees is over and above courier charges for resending the parcel.

Damaged or incorrect item

If an item is received damaged or has missing parts kindly let us know within 7 days of receiving the item. We will send a return label and can either issue a refund or send the correct item at no extra cost to you. Damaged or incomplete item claims will not be entertained after 7 days of receipt of the item Tracking details will be used to ascertain date of receipt.

Policy if you change your mind

We can only offer you store credit. To receive a store credit, please return the item in an unopened, re-sellable condition. If any seals, packaging or anything else is broken or removed it cannot be returned. To be sure contact us before you return the product. If the item does not meet re-saleable conditions then we cannot provide you store credit.

Items must be returned to Switchedonkids within 14 days of receipt of the order.

We do not refund postage costs, so you will be responsible for return postage costs. The store credit will be equal to the value of the item, and will not include initial postage charges.

If you have paid for your purchase with Afterpay or ZipPay, they do not refund the merchant fees back to us. We reserve the right to deduct the merchant fee for this purchase from the refunded amount.

Shipping Policy

We can ship to virtually any address in the world. For shipping outside Australia, please contact us for the shipping quote before finalising an order. It is important to note that there are certain restrictions on some products.

A customer will qualify for free shipping if the amount they are paying is more than the free shipping amount threshold. Any coupons and gift cards will not be considered as part of the Free shipping amount.

For Click and Collect orders, the pick-up address is our warehouse located at 94 Portrush Road, Payneham south 5070.

Please call us on 0490 403 765 so that we are easy with your order.

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Item $0.00
From Flagstaff Hill, AU

Purchased - Engino - Discovering STEM - Astronomy - Travelling to Space

About 14 hours ago
Stemnex Robotic STEM Set
From Victoria Point, AU

Purchased - Stemnex Robotic STEM Set

About 1 day ago