Amazing Quicksand 9 asstd-300 gm - Switched on kids

Amazing Quicksand 9 asstd-300 gm


Amazing Quick Sand has a smooth silky texture, this fluffy stuff is for lovers of goo, putty and sand as t is like a combination of the three…

Brand: TNW

6 in stock

SKU: SY165AQS UPC: Categories: , , , ,



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Amazing Quicksand 9 asstd-300 gm: Amazing Quick Sand has a smooth silky texture, this fluffy stuff is for lovers of goo, putty, and sand as t is like a combination of the three. It can be molded, stretched, crumbled, and shaped and these 300g gram tubs provide more than enough of the good stuff.


Get your hands on Quick Sand – the crazy stuff with a mind of its own! Shape and mold this Quick Sand any way you like. Encourage imaginative play with muffin trays and pretend baking equipment. For example, your child could pretend they’re making a cake with the Quick Sand. Your child can play with Quick Sand anywhere, but it’s best to sit your child at a table. This gives your child a good work surface and can stop things from getting too messy.


Quick Sand is a wonderful sensory and learning experience for children. As your child shapes the Quick Sand into a ball or a snake, they’re thinking creatively. The squeezing, pinching and pulling movements also strengthen your child’s hand muscles and develop fine motor skills And if you give your child some tools and toys to add to the Quick Sand activity, you can really spark your child’s imagination and creativity.


Coming in 3 assorted colours; pink, blue and purple (purple will be added to the photo once stock arrives)


Recommended Age

Suitable for 3 years and above

Weight 0.33 kg


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